Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Yousuf Bin Tashfin Complete by Naseem Hijazi Novels

Yousuf Bin Tashfin Complete by Naseem Hijazi Novels

Historical Urdu BookYusuf Bin Tashfin

Yousuf Bin Tashfin Naseem Hijazi

Free Download or read online historical Urdu bookYusuf ibn TashfinComplete by Naseem Hijazi.Yusuf ibn Tashfin also, Tashafin, or Teshufin or Yusuf was a king of the Almoravid empire. He founded the city of Marrakech and led the Muslim forces in the Battle of Zallaqa/Sagrajas.Yusuf ibn Tashfin emerged from a line of Moor military leaders. Abu Bakr ibn Umar, a natural leader of Lamtuna extraction, a branch of the Brans, one of the original disciples of ibn Yasin who served as a spiritual liaison for followers of the Maliki school of thought, was appointed general after the death of his brother Yahya ibn Ibrahim. His brother oversaw the military for ibn Yasin but was killed in a Saharan revolt in 1056. Ibn Yasin, too, would die in battle against the Barghawata three years later. Abu-Bakr was an able general, taking the fertile Sus and its capital Aghmt a year after his brother's death, and would go on to suppress numerous revolts in the Sahara, on one such occasion entrusting his pious cousin Yusuf with the stewardship of Sus and thus the whole of his northern provinces. DownloadNaseem Hijazi books from here.

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Yousuf Bin Tashfin Complete by Naseem Hijazi Novels Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: AnjadeGilliland


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